Wednesday 29 January 2014

Women’s North West Committee AGM

Nikki welcomed everybody and thanked everybody for all their work last year within this Committee. Guest  Duncan Healey and Emma Roberts and  guest speaker Teresa Griffin MEP Candidate.Gail Robertson was appointed auditor for this year.

Donations for this year are Whisc/Fawcett/Eaves.
Went though the campaign plan for 2014.

Then we went over to the normal Regional North West meeting after the AGM had finished.
We received a copy of the new TUC Working Women Book for our branch.

Teresa Griffin spoke on the how the CWU places an important part in europe in the elections in May this year. The vote goes on the percentage of people that have voted so if the ukip or if the tories or lib dem get just 6 percent they are voted in. We need labour members in europe as a lot of regulations and legislations like Health and Safety , maternity pay and worker's rights all started from Europe and we all know that this present government is trying to get rid of unnecessary (what they think are unnecessary) legislation's and regulations for  the workers. A Labour European member would fight against this. So please vote in May it is important the CWU will provide more information nearer the time. You can vote by post as well . 60 more percent vote by post. Billy Hayes will be sending all CWU members information how to do postal votes because a lot of people are not registered to vote or just can not be bothered or able to  walk to the voting stations. You can find out yourself by wisiting selecting how do I vote and then vote by post. Your vote is important in the European elections. If the government can not run the country how can we trust them in Europe to speak on our behalf?

We then went over promotional material for the next 12 months like pens/mini torches.
Prop for conference that the women’s magazine should go out with the voice. As 60 percent of women members read the voice. That was the one from last year but it was not spoken on as time ran out at conference. 

Friday 7th March  is women’s international day and events are being held in Liverpool to celebrate this important date.

We also went through what Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence stands for. It is a  statement of commitment from business to raise awareness and provide employers with practical support  and tools towards domestic violence Members are BP/The Body shop/British Airways and Department of health. Check the website for more info.

Then we covered the meetings, venues and events for 2014. We got to run through the women’s kit and it has three sections. Green is branch copy and purple is for members and yellow for women’s officers. These are the colours in the women’s north west logon.

Carl Webb thanked everybody for all their work and Karen Bosson for all her hard work within the committee.

Please support the Women’s North West Regional Committee as we are their to help you.

Beverley Kenyon

Health and Safety Officer
North West Health and Safety forum Women's Officer
Swiss Post Representative
0151 966 2420